søndag 20. april 2008


C.O. Rosenius

{Let us consider the persons who enjoy this precious freedom from the Law for) it does not belong to any one and everyone. The Scripture speaks expressly concerning those to whom "the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but of debt." (Romans 4:4), who receive merely what the have earned (Matthew 20:14) who are "under the law" (Romans 3:19) and therefore also "are under the curse (Galatians 3:10).

May no one deceive himself and appropriate what does not belong to him. May each one earnestly give heed to the very words of the Scripture.The apostle says expressly in Galatians 2:19: "I through the law died unto the law." Such words contain the secret of our question. He said the same in Romans 7:14: "Wherefore, my brethren, ye also were made dead to the law;" and again, in v. 6: "having died to that wherein we were held."Mark the words "made dead" and "died."

And in the same chapter the apostle shows us how it takes place and what it means to be made dead unto the Law through the Law. He says: "I had not known sin, except through the law: for I had not known coveting, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet: but sin, finding occasion, wrought in me through the commandment all manner of coveting; for apart from the law sin is dead. And I was alive apart from the law oonce: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died - For sin, finding occasion, through the commandment beguiled men, and through it slew me." (Romans 7:7-9,11)

What do such words signify? I died, through the law. Sin "slew me through it?" If you go to the bottom of the question, you will find precious light. Which death does the apostle mean when he, in this connection, says: "I died?" ... The catchism tells of three kinds of death: bodily, spiritual, and eternal; but here yet a fourth dead is spoken of: for the apostle was, indeed, spiritually dead even before the commandment came.

What does he mean by the word "dead?" The experienced know it; others do not believe it. Ah, that is what happens when the Law strikes home, when the holy eyes of God begin to pursue man's thoughts and intents of the heart - then is made made dead.

From the Believer Free From the Law by C.O. Rosenius. (Copied from the net: )

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